Water Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion


For more than ten years, the Town of Essex has sought cleaner water for its residents. The Town of Essex is under a consent order by the New York State Health Department and the EPA to substantially upgrade our water treatment facilities and operations, with a project cost of almost $3 million including various actions to date. The Department of Health has recently given the Town of Essex the “green light” to proceed with our planned upgrades which will see a demolition of the current Water Treatment Plant at Beggs Park and the construction of a brand new facility. This construction is slated to begin late summer/early fall. As we learn more about the project and its timeline, we will post PDFs and additional information here to allow for maximum transparency. Please contact Supervisor Ken Hughes if you have any questions related to the project.

Project Updates

March 13, 2025 - More pictures from the engineer. Completed work includes: Cored hole in existing foundation wall and inserted pipe from the sump pit, added a section of the 6” floor drain piping at this sump pit, poured the concrete sump pit, poured the utility trench floor to the sump pit, forming up utility trench walls for a concrete pour either this Friday or Monday to complete the utility trench, and ceiling framing is about 85% completed. Upcoming work will be: Under slab plumbing will start, stone will be brought in for the floor slab base, approximately in 2 weeks the concrete floors will be completed. A busy week next week.

February 13, 2025 - Updated photos from the engineer. The project welcomes a new Superintendent to continue VMJR’s work to complete our project in a timely manner.

January 16, 2025 - Updated photos from the engineer.

December 20, 2024 - We have a roof! Today we received the delivery of the roof structures pieces, which were carefully put into place today. As you can see, it was a tight squeeze in the lower parking area of Beggs Park today and all work was completed just in time before the snow started to fly. There is much more work to do with the roof, but for now we have the main pieces in place which allow contractors to keep moving on the project in earnest. Principle agents met today to discuss the project (owner, engineer, contractor, financing) and several change orders need to be process because of unforeseen circumstances that need to be addressed outside of the scope of the original project.


November 26, 2024 - VMJR (General Contractor) poured the wall on November 5 under the watchful eye of our engineer. A sump pit was also poured by the General Contractor. Continued coordination between the General Contractor and the Electrical Contractor. Additional excavation work is required to allow for conduit/piping under the floor slab. The Engineer has verified that all heat trace to ensure thawed pipes are installed correctly. The Town has been given an approximate completion date of May/June 2025.


October 29, 2024 - With footers having been poured last week, the wall forms and rebar are now being erected.


October 16, 2024 - The plumbing contractor, much to our dismay has submitted a letter to terminate their contract on this project. Cedarwood is working to develop a plan of action and they have assured the Town that there shouldn’t be any major hold ups as the plumbing work is scheduled to take place towards the end of the project. Concrete footings are scheduled to be poured this week, weather permitting. Progress is slow, but methodical as we work to do this project right the first time.

August 9, 2024 - Work continues on the demolition phase of the project, as well as some installation work. The existing plant roof, beams, floor and the 2,000 diatomaceous earth backwash tank pus chlorine contact tank were removed. New chlorine contact piping was installed inside the existing contact tank location (18” C900 PVC piping). Excavators ran into considerable rock during the excavation (no surprise) and footings need to be redesigned to limit the extent of rock removal for construction.

July 18/21, 2024 - Ongoing demolition of the existing plant. The “swimming pool” area is actually an underground chlorine contact tank that will be removed and replaced.

July 11, 2024 - Electrical demolition has been completed, and the existing plant power has been fully disconnected by NYSEG. General construction demolition has started, and they (VMJR) have removed most of the existing items scheduled to be demolished at the plant.

July 1, 2024 - Demolition is underway!


June 23, 2024 - On June 20th, key representatives met at Beggs Park to discuss the final details of the upcoming transfer of electricity to the temporary treatment trailer from the main water treatment plant. The Town is required to continue providing its Water District residents with potable water, so the temporary treatment trailer ensures that will happen while the main plant is demolished. That transfer of power will take place on June 26th with Triangle Electric and NYSEG working together. No power interruptions for Town residents should occur; this is an isolated circuit. Once the temporary trailer is online and pumping and treating lake water (see photo below for the temporary intake well pump structure), then the General Contractor and excavator will begin mobilizing heavy equipment to demolish the current water treatment plant and prepare the site for the construction of the new plant. This mobilization is scheduled to begin on or around June 28th. If you live in the hamlet, you will notice increased heavy truck traffic for a few days and if you live in the Beggs Park area, you will notice loud banging and hammering for a few days as crews work to break through the massive amounts of concrete that exist above and below ground. This work should not be more than 1-2 weeks in duration.

June 16, 2024 - The following highlights were provided to the Town Board by the engineer about the process of the project. It is shared here with you and for posterity:

  • An excavated area near the generator pad where raw water diversion from our current intake pipe was attempted has been back-filled, which was a requirement so the electrician could run their temporary electrical conduits out of the way of construction to the temporary building built on the south side of the project area.

  • The water main connected to the existing distribution system has passed pressure and leakage testing and bacteriological testing. Additional restraints on the above grade piping to fully restrain the system were provided to pass pressure and leakage testing (this is the large lateral mound that you can see in front of the gazebo).

  • Temporary treatment items (to provide potable water while demolition occurs) have been completed and it is ready to commence trials runs. Disinfection and the first bacteriological testing of this section are in process of being performed. Results from testing will need to be sent to a lab with what we hope will be quick turnaround times and then NYS DOH will need to approve before we are allowed to send this treated water into our distribution system (for you to officially drink!)

  • All temporary electrical has been finished by Triangle Electric. The only remaining work to do is cut and split the connection for the sanitary pump stations, which will be completed prior to demolition once we take the current water plant out of service. This process will involve NYSEG.

  • A demolition meeting is to be scheduled in the next 7-14 days with the contractors prior to demolishing existing plant. An updated project schedule will be provided, once available.

This infrastructure is what will be placed on the lake bottom to pull water into our temporary bypass system.

June 12, 2024 - We finally have an update worthy of publication. Since our last update, we have experienced minor setbacks and roadblocks that kept our contractors and the Town from being more productive than we wanted to be. Electrical issues with motors and switches, redesigning the raw water intake pumps because we had unexpected issues with our regular intake line, plus NYS Department of Health regulations for disinfection and testing of chlorine contact pipes, etc. etc. etc. So much minutia that it was difficult to keep up with.

We’re pleased to report that the new raw water well pumps have been placed into about 25’ of water off of Beggs Park.

The good news is is that all piping from the temporary treatment trailer to the small outbuilding is done. The distribution pump (which pumps water to our water tank), is hooked up in the small building also. Now that the well pumps are installed in the lake, our Water Department and our engineer will check for leaks via a pressure test. Once it’s determined that there are no leaks, they will need to disinfect the pipes and then perform two (2) bacteria samples. Once the bacteria samples come back negative (or below acceptable standards), our engineer and Water Department will then begin the work of bringing the temporary treatment plant online. More details on that as they become available.

An additional problem with our progress resulted from the discovery of a malfunctioning galvanized lateral line to a home on the north side of Beggs Park. As you can see from the photos, the entire line needed to be dug up and so a new copper line could be installed between the main water pipe and the curb stop for the residence. This was a partial setback for our project, but thanks to the Essex Highway Department and Jeff Benway, we were able to get the work done in relatively short order.

April 25, 2024 - Representatives from VMJR, Cedarwood Engineering and the Town met today to discuss what’s happening and what will happen over the course of the coming weeks and months. Temporary bypass systems are in place and ready to go with the exception of the well pumps that will perform the actual pumping of raw water into the bypass system. This is actively being handled between our engineer, a Plattsburgh plumbing supply company and the factory that makes the well pumps. Electrical work will also need to be performed as we get closer to turning on the bypass system. A new excavator has been hired by VMJR and is mobilized on site as of today to continue that work. Once the temporary bypass system is up and running, the Town will determine which assets we wish to keep for potential surplus. Once we know which assets to save, demolition of the old plant will begin in earnest. When the Town is made aware of this work, VMJR and the Town will make sure neighbors will be made aware. The hammering to break up concrete is expected to make some noise. We are getting closer each day, but with so many different people and organizations involved, these processes run slower than anyone would like.

March 15, 2024 - Efforts to divert raw water to the treatment trailer via a tie in to the main line have failed due to the high water of the lake and the water table. De-watering efforts with a high capacity pump to allow for a clean connection failed due to the inflow of ground water into the dig site. This is disappointing news, but with warmer temperatures as spring approaches, the Town’s engineer and appropriate staff will be looking into pumping water from the lake using well pumps. Once we have a constant flow of raw water from an alternate source into our temporary treatment trailer, the work of taking offline our current system can begin. This process has been frustrating for all involved as the team works diligently to adjust to realities of the situation and location while working to keep costs down when changes are required. More details will be made available in the coming week.

February 23, 2024 - Divers from Seaway Diving & Salvage Company returned for an unanticipated second day of work to remove the previous gate and check valves from the manhole and to install the new one. Removal of the old infrastructure proved to be an all day job yesterday. Despite the challenges, they were successful in their efforts.

February 9, 2024 - Work on the site has stalled briefly as contractors, engineers and town officials worked hard to determine best ways to divert raw water given our high lake water/ground water challenges. At the Town Council meeting last night, the Town Council approved a bid by Seaway Diving & Salvage Company to provide diving services to replace an 8” gate valve and a 8” check valve that feeds the current water treatment plant. This company will provide the necessary repairs and install the necessary materials so that not only raw water diversion can take place, but our Water Operator can control the flow of water from the lake as needed and as required.

Once the divers complete their work (hopefully within the next two weeks, then VMJR can continue their work of water diversion to the water treatment trailer. This will allow our temporary filtration to begin, providing you potable water while the current plan is decommissioned and demolished.

January 12, 2024 - The following quarterly update on what we have done as it relates to this project: The general contractor (VMJR) has mobilized at the project site and has been working towards completing the temporary treatment items prior to commencing work on the demolition and plant upgrades.  They have completed the distribution line tie in where the temporary treatment plant will discharge into the municipal system.  They have also ran the water main from behind the temporary treatment trailer, that is located at the project site, installed the temporary larger diameter PVC chlorine contact time piping, and associated valving and main work to the discharge point as previously described.  They have excavated the area to work on the raw water tie in, but ran into trouble with all the recent rainfall/snowmelt and lake levels significantly rising. VMJR is working on a dewatering plan to ensure the area can be dewatered prior to completing the proposed tie in.  VMJR has also begun building the temporary pump station housing, although cannot install until the temporary raw water connection is completed. The electrical contractor (Triangle Electric) is also working towards finalizing the temporary treatment electrical service items.  The temporary power has recently been activated by the utility.

January 8, 2023 - Perimeter fencing was installed today to provide security and safety to the general public. This fencing will remain installed until the water project has completed.

December 21, 2023 - The first of monthly meetings with the General Contractor (VMJR) took place today. Construction and excavation efforts have been paused due to significant ground water/water table challenges that make diverting raw water away from our current plant to our new temporary treatment trailer. Recent rains and unseasonably warm temperatures have caused for flooding in the excavated area where the tie in is to take place. Without a dry area to work in, tying in is impossible. The Town is considering a plan to engage large pumps to divert water away, but high lake levels in the immediate area coupled with crashing waves make any pumping solution a non starter.
UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, BEGGS PARK IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. Energized above-ground electrical conduit, open and active excavation pits and ongoing construction efforts force the Town to make this decision for the foreseeable future. Fencing will be erected in the near future to reinforce this request and to protect the general public and their pets.

  • November 10, 2023 - Excavation and site preparation began in earnest last week. VMJR discovered some underground infrastructure that was not previously known on local maps, so to ensure that expensive exploratory digging does chew up time and money, a company that specializes in ground penetrating radar will be brought in to map the area to better understand what exists so that future excavating can be more accurate and potentially less damaging.

  • November 1, 2023 - Progress to get the project started has been slow, but steady. Materials are being procured and stored at our Wastewater Treatment Plant. Our Project Superintendent has been on site daily working to prepare the site for digging and excavating. Silt fences have been installed and temporary underground utility work is expected to begin shortly. The Water Operator continues to prime the raw water pump daily with assistance from various Town staff to ensure water from the lake enters into our system

  • October 10, 2023 - Town of Essex officials will meet with the VMJR Project Manager as well as their newly hired Superintendent for this project. This week, VMJR plans to get acclimated with the site, go over logistics and discuss potential issues as they onboard the new Superintendent. Material will begin to flow to the site while working with site subcontractor coordination.

  • October 6, 2023 - We were informed on October 3 that General Contractor VMJR has found a Superintendent for oversee this project and he is slated to start on site Tuesday, October 10. This means that mobilization will begin in earnest and work will begin on temporary water bypass to our treatment trailer.

  • September 1, 2023 - We received word today that NYSEFC has reviewed and accepted our MWBE Utilization Plan and Partial waiver request for the Essex Water Project # 17629 for our General Contractor. All four of our contractors have now been reviewed and accepted by NYSEFC, which means that our project can begin to proceed. Please stay tuned to this webpage for complete details on what we learn and how it will impact Beggs Park and drinking water in the future.

  • July 7, 2023 - Final funding approvals are now taking place through our four contractors and New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation. Once these are finalized between those entities, then funding holds can be released and work can begin. Our engineer and Essex County Community Planning continue to advocate on our behalf with these entities to move the process along. Beggs Park remains open for the foreseeable future.

  • May 16, 2023 - Notice to Proceed documentation for the four contractors has been signed and delivered to our engineer.

  • May 2, 2023 - Detailing for our temporary water treatment trailer is complete! This trailer, upon its conclusion of use for us in Essex will become the property of NYS Rural Water Association and will travel the state providing temporary water treatment to municipalities in need.

  • April 13, 2023 - Triangle Electric has begun their work to lay temporary electrical conduit from the utility pole to the area where the new water treatment plant will be located.

  • April 7, 2023 - Representatives from the Town, the Engineer and the four contracting agencies met today to review the scope and schedule of this project. A draft construction timeline has been developed, subject to change. Of particular note from this conversation that will affect neighbors and the general public are the following:

    • During the project, contractors will most likely begin assembling between 6 and 7am Mondays through Fridays with work to officially begin around 7am. Deployment this early will mean that noise will be generated at these hours of the day. This is an unavoidable aspect of the project and we apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.

    • For liability and overall safety concerns, as well as for space and storage needs of the contractors, the entirety of Beggs Park on either side of the access road is expected to be closed off to the general public, including access to the dock and the lake as well as the parking area near the playground. This anticipated closure is regrettable and Town officials are working to identify an alternate location to access the lake for leisure and recreation.

  • March 29, 2023 - The pre-construction meeting with contractors, engineers and local officials will take place on April 7, 2023 @ 11am at Essex Town Hall.

  • March 4, 2023 - Late last week, representatives from Cedarwood Engineering came to Essex to give Town authorities the final sign off on contracts for General Contractor and HVAC. As of this writing, all contracts have been signed by the Town and we are now awaiting final authorization from the contractor before a pre-construction meeting can be held, which we expect to be in the coming weeks.

  • January 13, 2023 - An update from Cedarwood Engineering on where we currently stand with the project.

  • November 30, 2022 - An update overview on where we stand with this project as of today (Status of Construction Contracts)

    • Electrical Contract (Triangle Electric): Agreement & Change Order 1 Executed

    • General Contract (VMJR): Agreement will be executed shortly.  The Town completed the resolution to award the change order costs for this contract.

    • 2022 Rebid Contracts

      • Plumbing Contract (Pipeline Mechanical): Resolution of Award completed.

      • HVAC Contract (Hyde-Stone): Resolution of Award completed.

    • Both the 2022 plumbing and HVAC contracts will be executed after the contractor provides bonding and insurance for review.  We are also requesting schedules from all contractors so we can compile and form an overall schedule for construction.  At this time, we are anticipating a spring start date.

  • November 18, 2022 - At their November 10th meeting, the Town Council approved a change proposal of +$445,719.00 for VMJR, the project’s General Contractor. Their total contract is now $1,527,719.00. Other original bids from Fall 2020, for comparison were $1,620,720 and $2,071,920.

  • November 16, 2022 - The Town Council officially awarded the Plumbing and HVAC bids from the 9/27/22 bid opening at their 11/10/22 meeting to the two apparent low bidders listed below.

  • September 27, 2022 - At a Special Meeting of the Town Council held today, sealed bids were opened for the Plumbing and HVAC contracts for our Water Treatment Plant. The apparent low bidders are:

    • Pipeline Mechanical - $255,000 including a 5% bid bond

    • Hyde-Stone Mechanical Contractors - $28,800 including a 5% bid bond

  • September 20, 2022 - On September 16, the Town Supervisor received the go-ahead to sign the contract and change order for Triangle Electric. We are now awaiting updated pricing from VMJR before we move forward with formally signing their contract.

  • September 7, 2022 - The Town held their pre-bid meetinng today for Plumbing and HVAC. Details on the meeting can be found here.

The temporary water treatment trailer will serve as the water filtration unit during the tear-down and reconstruction of our Water Treatment Plant.

  • September 2, 2022 - The Town is in process of rebidding the Plumbing and HVAC contracts for this project. The pre-bid meeting for these contracts will be held at 10am on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at Essex Town Hall.

  • August 19, 2022 - The temporary treatment trailer is well underway and nearly completed. We are thrilled with its progress. Morris Coolidge, our NYRWA consultant has done a great job putting it all together. We look forward to getting this project underway in (hopefully) the coming months.


NYRWA will construct a temporary treatment facility inside of this trailer, which the Town recently purchased. The understanding is the Town will purchase the treatment plant parts and NYRWA personnel will build the interior temporary treatment facility with specs designed by Cedarwood Engineering and approved by NYS Department of Health.

  • August 19, 2022 - We have learned that Collett Mechanical has pulled out of our project as the Plumbing/HVAC contractor. We will work with our engineer and Essex County to re-advertise for this very important part of our project.

  • April 20, 2022 - The Town of Essex was notified that they have been awarded a WIIA grant in the amount of $1,053,229 to help offset costs related to our Water Treatment Plant Upgrade.

  • March 11, 2022 - In an effort to reduce overall costs of the project, the Town of Essex, in conjunction with NYS DOH, NY Rural Water Association and Cedarwood Engineering has approved a plan to design and build our own temporary treatment trailer at a cost not to exceed $50,000. This effort is being made to create an alternative option to the temporary treatment plant that was previously created and bid out on in the original bid. Those costs for a temporary treatment plant were significantly higher than the $50k that we are looking at spending now to achieve the same result. Stay tuned as developments unfold.

  • March 11, 2022 - Costs have risen based on inflation and supply chain shortages, which are all subject to review by our engineer. Those costs increases are reflected below:

    • VMJR - +307,882.00

    • Triangle Electric - +46,910.00

    • Collett Mechanical (HVAC) - +48,375.00

    • Collectt Mechanical (Plumbing) - +298,780.00

  • December 17, 2021 - NYS EFC has given us the okay to proceed after questions arose related to Change Orders that were submitted on the project prior to the start of the project. Our engineer will now be working with contractors to schedule next steps in the process so that we can hopefully begin construction in the coming months.

  • October 14, 2021 - The Essex Town Council held a public hearing to consider a $1 million increase to the $3 million dollar bond that we currently hold. The Town Council decided to table the approval of this bond increase pending legal review as it pertains to the treatment of the change orders that we have received from two of the three contractors.

  • March 18, 2021 - The Essex Town Council formally approves the apparent low bidders, as listed below as the contractors for the project. You can get further details on those resolutions, once they are published, by clicking here.

  • October 8, 2020 @ 6pm - The Essex Town Council conducted a Special Meeting for the purpose of opening qualified sealed bids.
    The following companies are the apparent low bidders:

    • General Contract - VMJR Companies @ $1,075,000.00

    • Electrical Contract - Triangle Electric @ $248,300.00

    • Plumbing Contract - Collett Mechanical @ $230,321.00

    • HVAC Contract - Collett Mechanical @ $37,605.00

  • September 14, 2020 @ 3:35pm - Updated Timeline for Water Treatment Plant Bidding/Awarding (PDF)

  • June 17, 2020 - Essex County Bids/RFP website which provides drawings and addendum information.

  • June 15, 2020 @ 10am - The pre-bid meeting for interested contractors will take place at the Essex Fire Department, 2659 Route 22, Essex.

  • May 28, 2020 @ 6:30pm - The Essex Town Council will hold a Public Hearing (location Essex Fire Department, 2659 Route 22, Essex) for the purpose of soliciting feedback relative to the proposed increase and improvements of the facilities of Water District #1 in the Town of Essex. (View Resolution) The general public is invited to attend. Water District residents are encouraged to attend as this project directly affects them. If you are unable to attend, the meeting will be live streamed.

    • The Town Council will hold an Emergency Meeting immediately after the Public Hearing which affords them the opportunity to motion and consider for approval legal resolutions to allow the project to move forward.

  • May 27, 2020 (Please note that the latest project costs are not reflected within the reports below. For latest project costs, click here)

  • May 21, 2020 - Project Manual Bidding Set and Combined Drawings

  • May 18, 2020 - Notice to Bidders (PDF)

  • May 14, 2020 - The Town Council will hold their regular monthly meeting. At this meeting, they will schedule a Public Hearing within 10-20 days of their meeting date so that they may adopt the Bond Resolution, the Estoppel Notice and the Public Interest Order.