Standing Committees
Arbor Committee
Nancy Budd
Kevin DeLaughter
Meredith Hanna
Ken Hughes
Karol Kempster
The purpose of this committee is to develop strategies, seek funding and make recommendations to the Town Council and Town officials on the planting, pruning, trimming or removal of trees on public lands in the Town of Essex.
Audit Committee
Erin Hall
Scott Hurlburt
Paul Versnick
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to work with hired third party personnel (as required) to perform audits (as required by state law) of any and all town employees who handle monies in the performance of their job responsibility.
Board of Assessment Review
3 total members (3-year terms)
The purpose of this committee is to hear assessment complaints in the first instance and for the committee to exercise best judgment and discretion to render an impartial, objective determination on complaints of assessments. For more details, please visit their page.
Buildings & Grounds
Ken Hughes
Scott Hurlburt
The purpose of this committee is to work with individuals involved in the maintenance, renovation and/or general use of Town-owned buildings and land in the Town of Essex and to provide recommendations for Essex Town Council consideration.
Cable Television Franchise
Ken Hughes
Ron Jackson
Dianne Lansing
The purpose of this committee is to review the non-exclusive Cable Television Franchise Agreement with Cablecom of Willsboro, as needed.
Emergency Response Plan
Chief Craig Jackson (EFD #1)
Chief Kyle Wrisley (EFD #2)
Ron Jackson
The purpose of this committee is to work with emergency first responders and interested individuals in the review and refinement of the Town’s Emergency Response Plan.
Grange Hall
Ken Hughes
Scott Hurlburt
The purpose of this committee is to work with representatives of the Whallonsburg Grange Hall, Inc. to resolve issues related to the Memorandum of Understanding.
Haunted Hamlet Halloween
Ken Hughes
Ellen Cormier
Angel Forbes
Marc Forbes
Tina Gardner
Scott Lawrence
The purpose of the Haunted Hamlet Halloween Committee is to coordinate the execution of the Haunted Hamlet Halloween event held annually in October and to facilitate the spending of Essex County Community Enhancement Fund monies allocated by the Essex Town Council.
Highway Committee
Highway Sup’t Kyle Wrisley
Scott Hurlburt
Ron Jackson
The purpose of the Highway Committee is to ensure that the Town Highway Department has the equipment available to complete necessary tasks as well as discuss how to plan for future upgrades and replacements.
Library Committee
Ken Hughes
Ron Jackson
The purpose of this committee is to work with representatives of the Belden Noble Memorial Library to resolve issues related to the Memorandum of Understanding.
Marketing Committee
Erin Hall
Ken Hughes
Karol Kempster
Cory Piekarski
Susie Smith
The purpose of this committee is to handle the task of crafting the marketing message for the Town of Essex. This committee is tasked to develop strategies and work with coordinating agencies to make recommendations to the Town Council for approval to implement their recommended strategies.
Negotiations Committee
Ken Hughes
Scott Hurlburt
Account Clerk Angel Forbes
The purpose of this committee is to meet with Teamsters Union representatives as requested or required to negotiate terms for the Teamsters contract.
Online Media
Ken Hughes
The purpose of this committee is to work with individuals involved in the integration and implementation of all digital media sources as they relate to the execution and publication of town business engaged in by the Town Council and Town Hall.
Personnel & Salary Review
Ken Hughes
Account Clerk Angel Forbes
Paul Versnick
The purpose of this committee is to review, as needed, the contracts and salary agreements of Town of Essex employees.
Planning Board
7 total members (7 year terms)
The general purpose of the Planning Board is to provide for and guide the orderly growth and development of the community. For more details, please visit their page.
Policy Committee
Ken Hughes
Scott Hurlburt
The purpose of this committee is to periodically review Town of Essex policies to ensure compliance with existing local, state and federal laws, while also providing for the opportunity to make recommendations to the Town Council on improvements to their policies.
Strategic Planning
Ken Hughes
Scott Hurlburt
The purpose of this committee is to develop a short and long term plan for the Town of Essex that helps focus the decision-making process of the Essex Town Council.
Wastewater Committee
Account Clerk Angel Forbes
WWTP Operator Tina Gardner
Erin Hall
Ron Jackson
Donna Lou Sonnett
Sheila Sullivan
Steve Grimm - NYRWA
The purpose of the Wastewater Sustainability Committee is to discuss and implement ways to manage, operate and fund the Town’s wastewater infrastructure.
Water Committee
Account Clerk Angel Forbes
Water Operator Tina Gardner
Ken Hughes
Ron Jackson
Barbara Kunzi
Morris Coolidge - NYRWA
The purpose of the Water Committee is to discuss and implement ways to manage, operate and fund the Town’s water infrastructure.
Zoning Board of Appeals
5 total members (5-year terms)
The purpose of this committee is to hear appeals of decisions rendered by zoning administrators, interpret unclear provisions in the zoning ordinance and decide on applications by landowners to permit buildings or land uses which vary from the zoning regulations. For more details, please visit their page.