Town Clerk Alicia Kelly
(518) 963-4287 x1
Death Certificate
A death certificate is filed with the clerk of the municipality in which the death occurred within 72 hours of such death. Such filing is usually handled by a funeral director or coroner.
Who is eligible to obtain a death certificate copy?
The spouse, parent or child of the deceased
Other persons who have a:
documented lawful right or claim
documented medical need
New York State Court Order
Note: If a request for a copy of a death certificate is within six months from the time of death, and the arrangements were handled by a funeral director, that director acting on behalf of the family may request a copy or copies
What is a lawful right or claim?
If the applicant is not the spouse, parent or child of the decedent, a lawful right or claim must be documented. An example of a lawful right or claim would be a death record needed by the applicant to claim a benefit. Documentation would consist of an official letter from the agency verifying that to process the claim the applicant is required to provide a copy of the requested death record.
Identification Requirements – Application must be submitted with copies of either A or B:
A. One of the following forms of valid photo-ID:
Driver license
State issued non-driver photo-ID card
U.S. Military issued photo-ID
B. Two of the following showing the applicant’s name and address:
Utility or telephone bills
Letter from a government agency dated within the last six months
Note: If you are applying for a copy of a death certificate via the mail and your driver’s license does not reflect the address to which you want the certificate mailed, you must have your signature notarized.
There is a fee of $10.00 per certified copy of a death certificate. Fees are payable by cash, check, money order, Master Card or Visa.