Town Clerk Alicia Kelly
(518) 963-4287 x1
Dog Licenses
All dogs four months of age or older residing within the Town of Essex must be licensed as a matter of public safety. At the time of licensing a certificate of altering must be presented if the dog has been spayed or neutered. Such one-time proof will be sufficient for the life of the dog. Proof of current rabies vaccination is also required. Such proof will need to be supplied at each expiration date. The license will contain the owner’s name, address and phone number for contact. Also, we will require the name of the dog, the breed, age, color and any distinguishing markings of the dog.
For new dog licenses, you must come to Town Hall to provide appropriate documentation. (Dogs are required to be licensed upon arrival in the Township of Essex.)Renewal notices are sent in February and due in the month of March. The fee for an altered dog is $5.00 per year; an unaltered dog is $13.00 per year. Fees are payable by cash, check, money order, Master Card or Visa.
Last updated: July 22, 2021