Code Enforcement & Zoning Enforcement Officers
The Code Enforcement Officer is the administrative officer charged with the duty of enforcing the rules and regulations set forth by the by the New York State State Department Division of Building Standards and Codes (Local Law 5-2022). All applications for Building Permits are submitted to the Code Enforcement Officer.
The Zoning Officer is the administrative officer charged with enforcing the provisions of the Town of Essex Zoning Law (Local Law 01-2023). Any person intending to engage in an activity that may be subject to the Zoning Law must meet with the Zoning Officer as early as possible to determine which, if any, permits and approvals may be required.
If you are seeking a permit to renovate your home or to build an addition, deck, garage or shed, we can assist you. We also look forward to working with any commercial endeavors you may have. Give us a call or click below to get applications and permits.
Forms, Applications and Documents for Permitting
Building Permit Application (PDF)
Zoning Permit or Zoning Compliance Application (PDF)
Zoning Complaint of Violation (Confidential) (PDF)
Zoning Owner Consent to Represent (PDF)
Sign Permit Application (PDF)
New York State Unified Solar Permit (PDF)
Short Environmental Assessment Form (PDF)
Fee Schedule (effective January 1, 2023) - (PDF) (NOTE: Please consult with the Codes Officer for the exact fee amount required before writing your check. The Fee Schedule document is a guide, but the Code Officer provides the final determination.)
Commercial Solar Permit Fee Schedule (PDF) (effective November 14, 2024)
Asbestos documents
Agricultural Building Guidance (PDF)
Shipping/Storage Container Guidance (PDF)
Local Law #1-2008 - Code Enforcement Law (PDF)
Section #4 - Building Permit information
Section #6 - Stop Work Orders
Section #7 - Certificate of Occupancy
Site Plan Map Making Tips (PDF)
***All permit applications are supposed to include a workers comp certificate, or this exemption paperwork. You are exempt from holding workers comp policy if you are a sole proprietor with no employees, or the homeowner doing the work yourself. PDF waiver if performing the work yourself.***
2022 Uniform Code Administration and Enforcement Report (PDF)