Belden Noble Library Roof Repair

An archive of day-to-day events to keep the public informed of the Town’s process.


Podmore Masonry

Blackrock Slate Company, Inc.

March 12, 2025 - It’s been a few months since the last update, as we waited for better weather which allowed roofers to perform their duties. Interior framing in the attic is complete and has been signed off by both the engineer and local Code Enforcement Officer. A local electrician has now been called in to restore power to the second floor (which was shut down out of an abundance of caution for fear of short circuiting and fire) and to the attic (interior lights that were damaged need to be replaced). A local carpet cleaner has been hired to clean the 2nd floor carpets of debris and a local painter was hired to paint over water stains and improve the overall look of the second floor.

Complete slate roof replacement has begun on the north side of the building (thank you to the neighbors David Hislop and Steve Maselli for allowing the roofers to use their driveway). Broken and damaged slate is being discarded while good slate is being saved for potential future use around town. Slate work is anticipated to be completed this month.

December 31, 2024 - The roofer has informed the Town that the interior framing work is complete and is awaiting inspection by the architect/engineer and our local Code officer. Once these two entities sign off on the interior framing work, the Town will hire an electrician to re-run wiring to the library attic for light. The Town will also work to install fire protection detectors to tie in to our current fire notification system.

Based upon a recommendation made by the architect/engineer and the roofer, and with approval by our insurance company, the entire slate roof on both sides of the library will be completely replaced to ensure uniformity in look as well as durability for the long term. New slate will have the same size characteristics as well as the same colors scheme as what we currently enjoy. Slate work is expected to take place in February/March.

November 5, 2024 - At their September 2024 regular meeting, the Town Council approved Blackrock Slate/Burlington Slate of Charlotte, Vermont as the low bidder to max permanent fixes to the attic structure of the Library at a total cost of $31,500.00. The same company was also selected to perform permanent slate roof repairs and replacements as necessary at a total cost of $47,200.00. The attic/roof repair is expected to be completed by December 1, 2024 with the exterior slate work to be performed throughout the month of December as weather permits.

September 9, 2024 - We are pleased to share that work on the Library chimney is substantially complete.


August 27, 2024 - Please see this addendum based on the recent site visit.

August 18, 2024 - Please see the advertisement below for bidding process for final roof repairs.


June 23, 2024 - The Town has deep frustration with the engineering firm as well as the mason who have been charged with helping the Town to return the library to regular use. The Town has informed the mason that if work is not fully completed by September 30th of this year that their services will no longer be needed. We apologize that this process hasn’t been completed as of this writing; the scaffolding and broken wooden structure that currently exists are an eye sore. We are hoping to make strides on this project with increased communication through our insurance company.

March 19, 2024 - At their Town Council meeting last week, the Town Council approved a Proposal for Structural Engineering Services by East Syracuse based engineering and architectural firm Klepper, Hahn and Hyatt (KHH). KHH has been informed via email of our interest in working with them to accomplish our goals of fixing the parts of the library roof structure that need to be fixed. The Town continues to work as quickly as possible with our partnering agencies to return library services to the library building.

January 26, 2024 - The Town has been informed that they may begin the process of securing plans and quotes for the repairs. Based on recommendations from local historic preservationists, the Town will contact Klepper, Hahn and Hyatt Engineers (KHH) in Syracuse to learn of their possible interest in this project.

January 24, 2024 - An independent engineer’s report has found that “there is no reason to replace the roof completely. An engineering firm skilled in historic preservation should be retained to design the repair to the structure.” A repair estimate based on the repair scope recommended in the report will be provided.

December 13, 2023 - Podmore Masonry has begun their efforts to erect scaffolding onto the side of the library to begin chimney rebuilding.

November 14, 2023 - Temporary repairs to protect the building through the winter are substantially complete. Blackrock Slate has sealed up the hole from the tree damage and is working to repair additional holes throughout the rest of the slate roof. Work on the chimney is still in process as we await the availability of our mason.


November 13, 2023 - Blackrock Slate has completed their interior framing and now is working to seal up hole in the roof. The lift in the image will be used to place slate over the plywood sheathing.


November 10, 2023 - Blackrock Slate continues their internal framing work. The framing in the attic is about 3/4's complete. Recent weather has inhibited their progress, but work continues. The machine lift has been confirmed and will be arriving on Monday morning. At which point they will commence with installing the roof decking boards and ice and water shield. This ice and water shield will be the final layer that will keep the library dry for the winter.

Additionally, they will be performing various slate repairs around the damaged area that is allowing water in as well. This will probably be done on Tuesday. If things go as planned Blackrock Slate expects to be cleaning out the attic and complete by about Wednesday, November 15, 2023.

November 1, 2023 - Since our last update the Town has been working with the insurance company and the engineer to determine how a final solution will be effectuated. In the meantime, while they deliberate, we have learned that the Town has received an advance of $100,000.00 from NYMIR (Town’s insurance company) to pay for the services for which we have received invoices. Today, Supervisor Hughes confirmed that Blackrock Slate will be arriving in Essex this week to begin scaffolding setup work for a temporary roof replacement for winter. Podmore Masonry has also been contacted to confirm their start to chimney rebuilding and they have been given the green light to begin as soon as possible.

Recent rains have continued to infiltrate the roof allowing water to collect in the attic area, but that is as far as the water has gone. Tarps, totes and the closed cell insulation in the attic have held up very well to prevent water from entering into the second floor area.

Friday, October 13, 2023 - PM Leary completed their work of removing debris and broken parts of the attic infrastructure. The Town will continue to monitor for humidity levels to ensure that the books are safe from mold. We have a dehumidifier running in the basement at this time. Yesterday, Supervisor Hughes gave the green-light go ahead to Blackrock Slate Company out of Charlotte, VT at a cost of $32,750.00 to provide temporary solutions to fix and seal the attic for the winter as we continue to work out the discrepancies between the engineer and the insurance company. Onsite today was John Podmore who the Town will hire to replace the chimney.

Monday, October 9, 2023 - PM Leary is on site today to clean up the debris in the attic and second floor area. Water did infiltrate the attic despite best attempts to stop it. Water did continue to leak into the second floor area in the exact same spots it previously had, but the good news is that no new leaks were found and no new damage occurred after the 3.5” of rain we received in Essex this past weekend.

Friday, October 6, 2023 - Our insurance company returned an analysis of the damage and how best to resolve the problem, which does not agree with the engineer’s report. To that end, an attempt is being made to bring together the insurance company and the engineer to discuss professional opinions on this topic, which will delay efforts to hire professionals to make the necessary permanent repairs. PM Leary is scheduled to come Monday to begin their interior cleanup work. With heavy rains predicted over the weekend, Supervisor Hughes and a town employee laid down a plastic tarp on the floor of the attic to corral any water that does come in from the exposed side of the roof (to protect the second floor). Tots and plastic drums have been staged in the event of additional water coming into the building, which will be checked hourly over the weekend during the rains. A local contractor has been contacted to gauge interest in the insurance company approved temporary repairs.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - With a rainy weekend in the forecast, concerns are heightened about additional water damage to the attic floor/second floor ceiling area. Supervisor Hughes will meet with a local contractor to devise a plan to address these future water issues until a building contractor can be hired to properly deal with the situation at hand.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - The Town has been informed by the testing company that no asbestos exists in the current chimney mortar, so we will proceed expeditiously with repairing the chimney in order to maintain heat in the building over the winter. Asbestos was found present in window glazing on windows stored in the attic, but since these windows are still intact and will be reused in another location, no abatement is required.

Monday, October 2, 2023 - Supervisor Hughes met with a second local masonry company today who was very interested in rebuilding the chimney in the exact way it was before its destruction. This company also recommended a local roofing company who the Town has employed in the past. A phone call to this third roofing company today was received and a meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow to go over the scope of work.

Friday, September 29, 2023 - Supervisor Hughes met with a local roofing contractor to scope out the work. They were unable to commit to this project but did provide names of local organizations that meet the requirements for such a project. Phone calls are being made to set up new appointments to hopefully receive competitive bids.

Thursday, September 28, 2023 - Supervisor Hughes met with a second interested slate roofing company to share details on this project. This evening at 5:30PM the Town Council will hold a Special Meeting to continue discussing the ongoing efforts to fix the damage to the roof.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - Supervisor Hughes met with an interested slate roofing company today to share details on our efforts to replace the current slate roof with a new slate roof using Vermont Royal & Variegated Purple slate (a deep purple slate, at times almost burgundy in color, which may have occasional green marks or inclusions), which is the same kind of slate that is currently on the library.

Monday, September 25, 2023 - A local asbestos/hazardous materials testing company (KAS Consulting) came to review the damage and collect samples from chimney masonry and window glazing (large windows are stored in the attic - how they physically got up there is a mystery!). PM Leary has been put on hold until the testing comes back, which is roughly 5 days. For now, we are graced with favorable weather for the foreseeable future.

Saturday, September 23, 2023 - We have officially entered in an agreement with a local restoration company (PM Leary) to clean up the debris caused from the storm damage this work will begin on Tuesday, to be completed by Thursday (anticipated) and will cost $15,544.53. This invoice will be submitted to our insurance company

Friday, September 22, 2023 - A local electrician was hired to identify breakers in the building that can and can’t be turned on. This was done to help identify where we can use dehumidifiers and fans, as well as knowing whether we can eventually turn on the furnace. This inspection found issues not related to the storm event, so we will fix all the problems and only submit to our insurance company the bill for work related to the damage.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 – Building adjuster, affiliated with insurance adjuster came to survey the damage. Recommendations were made to hire a company to test for asbestos (masonry and chimney debris) to ensure a safe working environment for next step repairs/rebuilding. Also recommended was to hire an electrician to check electrical panel to verify which breakers are safe or not. Fans and dehumidifiers will be installed to keep air flowing and moisture out to protect books and other internal assets.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 – Town Council holds emergency meeting to declare emergency for procurement purposes. Dehumidifier breaker turned on to help reduce moisture in the basement to help preserve integrity of the books on the first floor. PM Leary visited the site to investigate and make recommendations for potential mitigation of debris. They will provide an estimate for the Town Supervisor and Town Council to consider by the end of this week with work to begin next Monday or Tuesday. The engineer has given the green light for the Town to begin seeking a mason to rebuild the chimney and a slate roof contractor to rebuild the roof with slate. Multiple local companies have been contacted awaiting responses.

Monday, September 18, 2023 – PM Leary is called to determine their availability to clean up the interior damage that exists. Message left with receptionist awaiting a return phone call.

Sunday, September 17, 2023 – Water damage on east side of second floor discovered.

Friday, September 15, 2023 – Engineer files final report to Town Supervisor

Thursday, September 14, 2023 – Town Council meets to discuss next steps.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 – Engineer comes to inspect damage

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 – Remaining cottonwood and a neighboring pine tree are removed to prevent re-occurrence. Insurance adjuster comes to inspect damage

Monday, September 11, 2023 – Code Officer comes to inspect damage, report filed

Saturday, September 9, 2023 – Luck Brothers comes with 60 ton crane and with Precision Tree Services, they remove the limb. Tarp reapplied to cover the main hole in the roof. (Drone footage)

Friday, September 8, 2023 – Precision Tree Services and Luck Brothers come to discuss removal of tree limb. Extra parts of limb are removed, the main limb remains on the building overnight with tarp over it.

Thursday, September 7, 2023 @ ~3:30pm – Thunderstorm results in cottonwood branch severing from its trunk and falling into the roof of the Library. Mountain Tree Services comes to begin cleanup on north side of Library. (Drone footage)

Running Total of Expenses (all to be submitted to our insurance company)

  • Kerr’s Welding, Inc for 60 ton Hydraulic Crane (tree removal) - $2,950.50
    Because of a delay in payment, the Town received a 25% service charge

  • Precision Tree Service (tree removal) - $2,500.00

  • Hometown Electric (electric panel breaker circuit verification) - $183.60

  • KAS Environmental Science & Engineering (pre-renovation asbestos testing) - $1,382.00

  • PM Leary (debris cleanup) - $15,544.53 [paid through direct pay]

  • Mountain Tree Service (tree removal) - $1,350.00

  • Blackrock Slate - $17,750.00 (partial payment of $32,750.00)

  • Podmore Masonry - $7,100.00 (partial payment of $14,200.00)

  • Cedarwood Engineering - $1500.00 (temporary repair design)

  • Klepper Hahn & Hyatt - $7680.00 (building review and roof design schematic)