Board of Assessment Review (BAR)

Christopher McConnell (2021-2025)

Christopher McConnell
(10/1/2023 - 9/30/2028)

Cordelia Sand
(10/1/2020 - 9/30/2025)

Loretta Surprenant
(10/1/2021 - 9/30/2026)


The Board of Assessment Review (BAR) will meet on as needed basis at the Essex Town Hall to hear and examine complaints in relation to assessments, on the written application of any person believing him/herself to be aggrieved.

The Board of Assessment Review (BAR) will meet on Grievance Day (4th Tuesday in May) May 27, 2025 between the hours of 2pm-4pm and 7pm-9pm at the Essex Town Hall to hear and examine complaints in relation to assessments, on the written application of any person believing him/herself to be aggrieved. Your assessment should roughly reflect the value for which you can sell your property. However, assessing property is not a science and sometimes you may disagree with the assessor's estimate.

More legal details on the BAR can be found here.