Town of Essex Planning Board
The Planning Board is responsible for promoting orderly land use and development consistent with the Town’s current Comprehensive Plan through the implementation of the Town’s Zoning Law, Subdivision Law, Waterfront and Harbor Management Law and such other laws that may apply. These By-Laws are consistent with Town Law §271 which guides development and patterns throughout the Town.
The Planning Board meetings take place the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM at the Town Hall.
All meetings are open to the public. Any and all questions during this process should be directed to the Planning Board Secretary.
All applications must be submitted through the Town Zoning Officer
The Planning Board only reviews applications referred by the Town Zoning Officer
Applications must be submitted to the Zoning Officer per a schedule posted on the Codes/Zoning page
Todd Goff
(Chairman) (2022-2025*)
Anh Thu Cunnion
Gladys Person
(Vice Chair) (2021-2027)
Karol Kempster
Planning Board Alternates: Ben Breckenridge (2024-2025)
Planning Board members are appointed to seven (7) year terms.
* = indicates member is filling out an unexpired term.
Please Submit the following forms through the Town Zoning and Codes Officers, not directly to the planning board:
Quick Links
Environmental Assessment Forms (updated 10/8/24)
Schedule F - Signage in the Hamlet
Sign Permit Application (PDF)
*PLEASE NOTE* The Planning Board has a 10-day cutoff before their monthly meeting to accept complete applications from the Zoning Officer.
Responsibilities of the Planning Board
The Planning Board is responsible for reviewing and approving all applications for Special Use Permits, Special Use Permits with Site Plan, and all Minor and Major Sub divisions in the Town of Essex, and for providing advice to the Town Board from time to time on matters related to town planning and development.
Local Laws and Related Documents
Zoning Law (amended 2023) ******This is a New Update!
Waterfront/Harbor Management Law (2004)
Information for Applicants
Other Information